
Now Playing: Raining Buddy Holy
Ok, so I'm sitting here drinking my tea, and doing homework. I'm reading about the Physical Education Hall of Shame. And it's talking about which games are in the Hall of Shame,Dogdeball, Duck Duck Goose, Giants, Elves, and Wizzards, Kickball, Musical Chairs, relay races, Steal the Bacon, Line soccer, Messy Back Yard,Red Rover, Simon Says, Spud, and tag. Now I don't know what half these games are, but the other half, I lived for these games. TAG... they say it is a bad game because of elimination. When I played tag there was no elimination. Anywho, reading this article has made me think, that the people/ kids of today are big fat babies. I will be slaming all my students with dodgeballs, and picking all the geeks to try and catch me when I'm playing Duck Duck Goose. Anywho I was just a little, I dunno, irratated(sp) from reading that. Well back to the books
Take Luck,
Ps I'll be posting about the Florida Trip sometime soon.
Posted by Nikki
at 11:21 PM EST