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Whats Cookin in Nikki's Life
Sunday, 26 December 2004
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Merry Fucking Christmas~ Mr. G (South Park)
Merry Christmas all! Hope you all had a great day. Mine didn't start off so well. Did you know that Walgreens was the only store open on Christmas eve past 6 and on Christmas. I heard it a lot. I got stuck with the sucky shifts, 3-11:30 and 7-2. I got out early yesterday, but no lunch, and then today I got out late and only had a 15 minute lunch, fun times. But I got home and got to spend time with my family, I miss them. I got a lot of cool things too. Lots of DVD's and CD's. My brother got me Beatle Dolls (so freakin' cool). I finaly got a mouse for my computer, W00t!Oh, oh, oh, I got South Park PJ's. I was so happy about that... now since I worked on Christmas, I have a list of movies that I need to get. Passion of the Jew, Shawn of the Dead, Dodge Ball, Anchor Man... oh there is more, I know. But I got paid over 20 bucks and hour for Christmas.
Well Hope you all are having a good break.
Much Love,

Posted by Nikki at 1:03 AM EST
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