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Whats Cookin in Nikki's Life
Tuesday, 22 March 2005
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: I'm watching go
So not a lot new has happened. Umm Back at school, isn't that fucking great. OH oH I went out with my friend Scott... Awe I used to have a huge crush on him, so that was fun. We talked for like 2 hours in my car. And yes that's all we did was talk.
So yesterday in class I played Freeze tag, that's were you freeze when you're tagged, and someone has to crawl through your legs... there's nothing better then having the boy you like, or any hot boy crawl through your legs... I wanted to tell them to stay down there for a while... or maybe we could go back to my apparment. I'm kidding. Well that's it for me.
Take Luck,

Posted by Nikki at 9:58 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 March 2005 10:01 PM EST
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